Spirit Combat —General James Green Dear Prisoners, THERE IS A SPIRITUAL WAR GOING ON. Are you involved? First Timothy 6:12 tells us to “Fight the good fight of faith.” The Holy Scriptures frequently refer to the Christian life and work in COMBATIVE terms. When all things are considered, we can confidently say that the Spirit of God compels the Christian to engage in WARFARE. Jesus Christ the Lord, our battle Commander, our Captain, leads us not into temptation but into battle. He stands with us amidst life’s battles; stands with us on the front lines as we engage the enemy. It is silly for God’s professed people to talk about spiritual combat and never put on the WHOLE armour of God. To put on God’s armour does not mean just one or two pieces, but ALL of it—TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE, FAITH, and of course, SALVATION and our sharp two-edged sword, THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the Word of God. All our armour is listed in Ephesians 6:13-17. In addition, we as soldiers are obligated to pray, prophesy, and preach! (vv.18-22). Our battlefield is the world. Revelation 11:15 tells us that “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ.” This is our future—your future, my future—if we remain faithful till the end. Not only this, but the workings and warring of “His mighty power” shall in the LORD’S own time “subdue ALL things unto Himself” (Ephesians 1:18-23 and Philippians 3:21). You see, from the days of old till the day of consummation, the outcome of this warfare of His soldier saints was determined by YAHWEH, the LORD Himself. Now in every generation, it remains for His people to execute His will and His power in the face of Satan and his demons. The result will be a COMPLETE overthrow. Righteousness, Truth, Justice, Holiness, and so on, shall PREVAIL in ALL of His domain. Revelation 3:21 tells us, “To him that OVERCOMETH will I (Jesus Christ) grant to sit with Me in My throne.” To the VICTOR belongs glory and honor. The long war stems from the garden of Adam and Eve to the eternal Garden of God. After centuries of warfare, we will lay down our weapons and exchange our Battle Dress Uniforms (BDU) for white, clean robes of righteousness (Revelation 7:14). Our battered helmet of salvation will be replaced by a glorious crown, an “incorruptible” crown (I Corinthians 9:25)—“a crown of righteousness”—at that day (2 Timothy 4:8). All of this is the Divine purpose that was determined aforetime by God Almighty, and who shall annul it? Who can stop it? No government, no power, no plan! For the record, our warfare is not carnal. We fight not as mere men, but as spiritual warriors (read II Corinthians 10:3-6). Jesus stated in John 18:36, “My Kingdom is not of this world: if My Kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight.” Neither this world, nor its spoil, nor its riches are our inheritance, though many false teachers say the opposite. We Christians are not like the world. We fight for different reasons; for different rewards. Although we fight, strive, struggle, and agonize here on earth, we do it for eternal reasons and not carnal ones. In this confidence, we wage the war, and in this blessed assurance we find our much needed courage thru the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fear not! What our Captain has begun, He SHALL also TRIUMPHANTLY and GLORIOUSLY finish—in us and in the world. Encourage one another in this certainty. The Battle Cry has sounded, and the battle ground has been chosen. We are commanded, yea, commissioned to DESTROY the spiritual bastions of evil—within ourselves and in the world. There is a time for defense, but now is the time for offense. Christ Jesus our Lord is the one who commands us, and He will also cover us and lead us into everlasting VICTORY!! We trust you'll do this in the jail/prison you are stationed. |
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